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Nomos’ teams (Julie Evangelisti, Mathieu Bourson) advised Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations in connection with its investment under the programs «Investissements d’Avenir (PIA) » and “Culture, Patrimoine et Numérique” in the French company “Qu’est ce qui tourne”, alongside with other investors. Clevery Avocats’ teams were the legal advisors of “Qu’est ce qui tourne”.

Co-founded by Pierre Beffeyte, director of Scène & Public and outgoing President of the Avignon Off festival, “Qu’est ce qui tourne” has developed and operates “To See or Not To See” application. This is the first application that recommends shows to spectators based on the feelings they expect to feel during the show. The current fundraising allows “Qu’est ce qui tourne” to launch the second part of its eco-system, “To See Pro”, a recommendation platform to be used by live performance professionals.

The following parties were involved in the transaction:


  • Gilles Duffau, Head of e-culture & heritage projects, Digital Transition Department, Investment Department
  • Maud Franca, Deputy Director Mission Mandates and Avenir’s Investments
  • Agnès Peschard, Mergers & Acquisitions, Shareholdings and Corporate Governance Lawyer, Legal and Tax Department

CDC legal advisors: Nomos

  • Julie Evangelisti and Mathieu Bourson (Transaction& due diligences) with the support regarding the legal and tax due diligences of Ghislain Grotti (corporate law), Kévin Sagnier (intellectual property and personal data), David Caupers (tax law) and Augustin Gaujal (employment law).

“Qu’est ce qui tourne” :

  • Pierre Beffeyte, co-founder and President

 ” Qu’est ce qui tourne ” legal advisors: Clevery Avocats

Henri Larmaraud (M&A, transactional aspect, corporate law, intellectual property and personal data), Christophe Béheulière (employment law) and Magali Baudrin-Marion (intellectual property)
