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Sara specialises in competition law, distribution law and consumer law. With a solid experience acquired in renowned international law firms, Sara advises clients with the deployment of their projects in France and internationally.

Sara mainly represents industrial groups and investors before the French Competition Authority, the European Commission and the French and European courts in matters of mergers in France and abroad, cartels, abuse of dominant position, state aid, compliance programs, implementation of  distribution networks (commercial negotiations, single agreements, franchising and selective distribution) and consumer law  (general terms and conditions of sale, warranties, labelling, product regulation and advertising).

Sara advises clients from a wide range of industries including agri-food, audio-visual, e-commerce, sporting goods, online advertising and luxury goods.

She holds a PhD in competition law from the University of Paris 2 Panthéon – Assas and lectures at the law faculty of the University of Paris-Est Créteil 12 (UPEC).
