Personnal data The CNIL unveils its priority control topics for 2023 Communication from the CNIL on its website Each year, the CNIL decides to focus part… Sylvain Naillat 21 March 2023
Personnal data The French Data Protection authority unveils its priority control themes for 2022 Communication from the CNIL on its website Each year, the French Data Protection authority (the… Sylvain Naillat 15 February 2022
Personnal data Illegal data transfers to the U.S.: The French Data Protection Authority issues a formal notice to a website publisher for its use of Google Analytics Communication from the CNIL on its website The issue of personal data transfers outside the… Sylvain Naillat 11 February 2022
CorporatePersonnal data Nomos team is thrilled to have advised TVTY and its shareholders in this transaction with Nielsen (Corporate / M&A Dpt : Guillaume Leclair, Mathieu Bourson. IP/IT Dpt : Héléna Delabarre and Sylvain Naillat) Nomos 19 July 2021
Personnal data The CNIL unveils its investigation strategy for 2021 Communication of the CNIL on its website, dated 3 March 2021 Every year, the CNIL… Sylvain Naillat 15 April 2021
Intellectual PropertyPersonnal data The CNIL warned a sports club against using facial recognition to screen supporters Communication of the CNIL on its website, dated 18 February 2021 Facial recognition technologies are… Sylvain Naillat 19 March 2021
Intellectual PropertyPersonnal data CNIL publishes new guidelines on human resources data management CNIL Delib. n°2019-160, Nov. 21, 2019 Following a public consultation launched in April 2019, the… Lou Mailhac 28 May 2020
Personnal data When the Fight Against Online Piracy meets the GDPR Order from the Paris Tribunal de grande instance, August 2, 2019 Online piracy has been… Sylvain Naillat 1 October 2019
Personnal data The CNIL has published its new guidelines on cookies CNIL Deliberation n° 2019-093 of 4 July 2019 In accordance with its action plan announced… Sylvain Naillat 22 July 2019
Personnal data Cookies and targeted advertising : the CNIL details its action plan Communication of the CNIL on its website: One month after the GESTE outlined the… Sylvain Naillat 5 July 2019