Marques / Contrats Lawful use of a protected designation of origin to designate a product which does not meet the corresponding specifications CJEU, Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne v. Aldi Süd Dienstleistung-GmbH & Co. OHG, 20… Antoine Jacquemart 3 July 2018
Marché de l'art How a French ordinance of 1945 fostered the restitution of a Pissaro’s painting looted during World War II TGI Paris, 7 November 2017 Last spring, La Cueillette, a painting from the impressionist master… Nomos 3 July 2018
Audiovisuel Buy-out of author rights: valid when the contributions are accessory Paris Court of appeal, Pôle 5 ,Ch. 2, January 19,2018 One of the main principles… Camille Burkhart 3 July 2018
Droits d'auteurs / Droits voisins The fight against films counterfeiting through internet providers and search engines Paris High Civil Court, Pôle 5, Ch. 2, December 15, 2018 A group of professional… Kevin Sagnier 2 July 2018